Clarenville Area Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box 834
Clarenville NF A0C 2L0
phone: (709)466-1373
fax: (709) 466-3296

Press Release

Telecentres Vital To Bringing IT to Rural Areas

March 27, 1997- There are five telecentres in Canada, and they are all here, in Clarenville, Trepassy, Baie Verte, Stephenville, and Forteau. Nova Scotia is trying to set up their own system of Telecentres, and Europeans visit our Telecentres to learn how to improve the operations of their own. There are several hundred telecentres in Europe, and they are considered a vital component to bringing technology to rural areas. Our Telecentres are a sought after model, and they are under threat of closure from the provincial government in its desire to "rationalize" services.

A Telecentre is where business people learn to take advantage of technology to make them more competitive. A Telecentre is staffed with people with exceptional expertise in Information Technology, and how it can be used for business and development purposes. A Telecentre is access to high-end computers, colour and laser printers, multi-media products, scanners, and other equipment that small businesses need, but can't afford to have, and are not available in the community on a commercial basis. Telecentres are a vital service and infrastructure for businesses determined to stay competitive in this age of technology, and help grow new Information Technology businesses and opportunities in this province. Telecentres are the backbone of the 15 new information technology-based companies created in Clarenville the last couple of years.
The Telecentres have been told that they will be shut down in 6 months, and lay-offs will begin in 3 months. The provincial department of Development &;Rural Renewal, in a recent letter to Chamber, says the service will be replaced...but replaced with what? There has been no communication with the community that whatever replaces the Telecentres will meet any of the needs of the business community in this technology area.

As well, the Department of Development &;Rural Renewal and their federal partners have made no moves to ask the business community whether or how it would see the Telecentres changed. We do not argue that the operations of the Telecentres should not be subject to critical review the same as all other government programs, but we argue strongly the people to be involved in the decision-making should be the users, not the bureaucrats.

The provincial government says repeatedly that Information Technology is an important component of the economic recovery of rural Newfoundland and Labrador. That doesn't just happen. Businesses in rural areas need access to expertise and technology to experiment and explore what the opportunities are in this field. This is exactly what the Telecentres enable businesses to do.

The Clarenville Chamber of Commerce is against the closure of the Telecentres and the removal of this vital service to rural businesses. Any changes to the functions of the Telecentres must involve the people who use it - the rural information technology based and enabled businesses.

For further information, contact Wayne Melendy, President, (709) 466-1435