In 2010 the provincial Rural Secretariat sponsored
a special event simulcast - Tramore community
theatre's tenth anniversary celebrating the oral
history, tradition and cultural diversity of the Cape Shore.
The event was repeated as a school based project
in 2011 with repeater transmitters in Branch
and Point Lance.
The Town of Wabana and St. Michael's school hosted
a week long simulcast in March 2011. The event
was supported by the Rural Secretariat.
Bell Island now has its own
radio station.
Conche Radio was a May 2011 collaboration of the
The French Shore Historical Association and
Memorial University - Grenfell Campus.
Iceberg Radio supported the June 2011 festival
in St. Anthony. Partners in the event included
The Community University Research for Rural
Recovery Alliance (CURRA),Grenfell Historic Properties
and the Town of St. Anthony.