Ryakuga Collaborative - 2021

February 8, 2021: Ryakuga Collaborative moves from the west coast of
Newfoundland and Labrador to Branch.

Mallary McGrath is leading Ryakuga through the Pandemic. She is also
a town councillor in Branch. The council is the only all women
NL town council.

The move is seen as a step towards the localisation and feminisation
of the Ryakuga Collaborative.

Mallary is also Ryakuga's participative marketing specialist,
which includes poster/publicity design and production.


Mallary's article in Positive Post (her idea)

The Conversation.

Women in Politics.

Benefits of Community Radio.

Click here to view the website of the Town of Branch, hosted by Ryakuga.


Photo of Mallary and Dolly by Lindsay Coffey