The Irish Connection
Click on the photo of the Clonmany Youth Club for more information about the President's Award.
Tom Hutchings, executive director of the Long Range Regional Economic development Board, tells us a group from Clonmany was in Western Newfoundland in June and July, 2000. 10
Gaisce Participants went canoeing, hiking as well as were involved in community
projects in Burgeo, Ramea and the Port au Port Peninsula. They made a
video about their trip (with the help of Sandra Barter of ARCO?).
A second group is planning to come to Newfoundland in June 2001. The Newfoundland delegation that went to Clonmany in Novemeber met four
of the participants. The photos, says Tom, are of that group
working with the President's Award and College of the North Atlantic Adventure Tourism students to prepare for the