Hello, my name is Anne Parsons, Burgeo, NF. I am a member of the Burgeo Steering Committee of Communications for Survival. The conference this weekend included a variety of workshop choices and I am interested in the Computer Communications workshop. My goals for this workshop are to learn about Internet access, home pages and email. My opinion of the Conference overall is great. A large number of communities are represented, most sharing the same concerns for the their survival . Most of the participants are volunteers which show a great sense of community pride. Each community has their own form of communication, some have been around for a few years and others just getting started. A lot of effort is being put into community television as a means of getting information out to the residents. None of it is high tech, all of it is being done by the residents with some help from facilitators. Networking with other communities is a major issue, and has been a success in the four communities of Burgeo and Ramea on the south coast and Lourdes and Mainland on the west coast. This conference has enabled us to meet some of the people that we have only talked to in the past. We welcome any comments you have on this conference.

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